Wednesday, April 23, 2008

She went bananas!

Tuesday morning. 10AM. First time ever. Bananas.
For more pictures of the first time we fed Nila food, click here and look about halfway down the album.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Round of Applause

Today, Nila stood up.

If we hold her hands, she stand up all the time. She even dances around, but today she pulled herself to standing for the first time.

I was laying on the floor and she used my arm to pull herself up. For some time she just crawled up, raised her body off the ground and balanced on her toes at an angle.

Does that make any sense?

Here's a diagram. Nila is in pink. I am in black.

She did that a little bit. It wasn't standing, it was balancing on hands and toes. The above diagram is a little bit misleading as it would have you believe she was almost upright. She was not. The anlge was above 45 degrees, but not close to 90.

Eventually, though, she got up on her feet. That's right! Both feet solidly on the floor and an angle really close to 90 degrees!!

It was very exciting!

It should be noted that the photographs above are not of the event. They were taken two weeks ago. I posted them because they look like they could be of the event and because they're funny.